Naravan's face Naravan's mushroom pages    restart since Dec.26, 2016

     You can try our products by downloading the following files.
     We expect you to tell us your use feelings.
     You can send us your message from here.
     about Naravan      

 1 original      P-Fstudy.xls    PFスタディの計算表

 2 sample      P-Fhanano.xls   計算表の見本

 3 youth          P-Fyouth.xls    青年版

 4 One Cycle Countdown Timer  万分計(何分間でも秒針一周で残り時間表示)

 5 machiya model  Japanese old style town house in Nara 町家の紙模型

 6 PacHelper    for Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct PAC分析データ収集

 7 BDI checker   screening of Beck Depressin Inventory ベック簡易うつ度チェック

 8 QIDS-J checker   screening of Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology

  9 Pac Helper Text    Dndorogram and PAC's data PAC分析データ収集と樹形図

    We ask for cooperation to the questionary survey about the education.
    Please reply it.     
English page -->
    You can look at a count result after an answer immediately.


※ ご意見ご要望は、メールフォームから送れます。お気軽にどうぞ→ここ
